How To Keep Mosquitos Out Of Your Home
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Have you ever woken up from a good night’s sleep and discovered mosquito bites all over your body? It’s happened to a few of us here at Appeal Home Shading and it can be incredibly irritating. We’re not sure why some people are more susceptible to mosquitos than others, but putting up with the itching all day is not pleasant.
Sadly, it looks like it’s only going to get worse. In the UK, we don’t usually have to worry about mosquitos much once we get to Autumn, but that’s not the case this year. According to an article on the government website, climate change has affected mosquito populations across Europe and we’re not rid of the little pests yet. Consequently, now is a great time to think about purchasing insect screens.
Fly Screens For Mosquitos
Fitting mesh screens to windows and doors is commonplace in the United States and they’re gaining popularity here too. In the past few years, we’ve designed and installed insect screens for windows in lots of properties, especially in waterside areas. They’ve proven to be highly effective at keeping unwanted flying intruders out of homes and the ClearVu mesh won’t spoil the view either.
Contrary to popular belief, they’re not eyesores either. Homeowners can be reluctant to fit insect screens as they don’t want to spoil the aesthetic or affect the kerb appeal, but that’s no longer a problem. The stereotype of rickety, eye-catching insect screens is outdated; modern ones are designed to be discreet and unless you look closely at a window, you might not even notice there’s a screen fitted. When they’re not in use they can be retracted into a slim cassette and we can even design custom frames that match the decor of a home.
Mosquito Health Risks
This will be good news for anyone who gets bitten a lot at night. It’s also useful for getting a good night’s sleep; if you’ve ever lain in bed and been on the verge of drifting off, only to hear the whine of a passing mosquito, you’ll know how quickly it can wake you up. But it’s not just disturbed nights or itchy bite marks, mosquitos can pose a health risk too.
It’s well known that mosquitos can spread serious diseases. Thankfully, illnesses like malaria are exceptionally rare in this country and the few cases we’ve seen have been in people travelling home from more tropical regions. But only last month, pest controllers in Paris fumigated several neighbourhoods due to concerns that tiger mosquitos might have developed breeding colonies there. This species transmits multiple tropical diseases, including dengue fever, and while no colonies have been found in Britain yet, it is possible they might make their way here.
With all this in mind, insect screens are a wise investment. They’ll cut down the risk of finding your body covered in sores in the morning, and help you get a better night’s sleep. And if we continue to experience rising mosquito populations in this country, they’ll mitigate the health dangers too.
If you’d like to know more about our ClearVu mesh insect screens, you can download a free brochure now. But if you’d like to get started on a project as soon as possible, you can also book a design consultation. Get in touch and let’s see what we can do for you.