A Beginner’s Guide To Honeycomb Blinds
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If you’ve spent much time on the Appeal Shading website or researched window blinds online, you’ll have heard of honeycomb blinds. They’re a very popular product and we regularly get enquiries about them. Our customers are drawn to their unique design and we’ve no doubt they’ll be in fashion for a long time yet.
But what exactly are they? When you work in this industry, you quickly get used to the terminology and we sometimes take for granted that not everyone knows blinds like we do. So, just to bring everyone up to speed, we thought we’d put this outline together. If you’ve no idea what honeycomb blinds are and were embarrassed to ask, here’s all that you need to know.
Innovative Designs
The defining feature of honeycomb blinds is their shape. We typically think of window blinds as being thin and flat, but these ones are hexagonal and double-layered. They were originally known as ‘cellular blinds’ and are still frequently called that, but as they resembled honeycombs, the new name stuck. Honeycomb blinds have a distinctive look and are a stylish choice, but there’s more to them than just the aesthetics.
The big advantage of Honeycomb blinds is their superior thermal qualities. They are highly effective insulators and are perfect for anyone who has difficulty regulating household temperatures. Each blind has an in-built air pocket that reduces heat transfer, so you’ll need to use the air conditioning and central heating less. This means lower energy bills, lower carbon emissions and less strain being placed on the power grid. Every type of blind is good at this, but honeycomb blinds excel.
Honeycomb Blinds And Noise Insulation
Alongside this, honeycomb blinds are also effective at limiting external noise. If you live on a busy road or close to an airport, you’ll already know that double glazed windows can help you get a quieter home, but adding honeycomb blinds improve noise insulationeven further. Those air pockets don’t just trap air, they also form a barrier that muffles sound.
There is one minor drawback in that dust can collect inside the pockets, but you only need to give them a once-over with a vacuum cleaner to clean them out. They’re low maintenance and can be upgraded with ULTRA Smart technology. This allows you to operate your blinds remotely or via special sensors that respond to preset heat and light levels. It also has the added bonus of making them cordless and while that might not sound like a deal breaker, if you’ve got easily-excited children or pets, you’ll know how valuable it is. As a child-safe option, there’s less risk of a hyperactive toddler tangling themselves up and damaging the blinds or hurting themself.
As you can probably tell, we’re enthusiastic about honeycomb blinds here at Appeal and are very proud to offer them. They’re an attractive and effective addition to any home, so if you’re thinking of installing blinds, the honeycomb ones are well worth it.
If you’d like to learn more, you’re welcome to download a brochure and get additional information on our product catalogue. You can also book a free design consultation and one of our experts will soon be in touch. We can’t wait to hear from you.